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  1. Hirase,Y.:"Update on tissue expander" Clinical trial of vessel and nerve elongation by tissue expander  The 6th Asian Pacific Congress of IPRS  Seoul, Korea   1993年

  2. Hirase,Y. :Creation of prefabricated neovascularized tissue with allogeneic tissue :  Experimental results and clinical aspect. International Symposium on Contemporary  Microsurgery -Clinical and Research vistas.       Melbourne, Australia  1996年

  3. Hirase,Y. :Future directions in microsurgical transplantations International Symposium on Contemporary Microsurgery –Clinical and Research vistas. Melbourne, Australia  1996年

  4. Hirase,Y: Aesthetic reconstruction of fingertip by Federation of Societies of Surgery of Hand.  Vancouver Canada  1998年

  5. 平瀬雄一ほか Is subcutaneous fascial cord resection necessary for Dupuytren contracture surgery? 米国手外科学会2023.1.19 マイアミ


  1. Hirase,Y. /Kouri,R.I.C :Partial toe transfers  2nd International Workshop on Reconstructive Microsurgery      Mexico City  1996年

  2. Hirase,Y. Practical and gentle technique of fingertip reconstruction  WSRM2009 (国際再建マイクロサージャリー学会) Okinawa June25-27,2009

  3. Hirase,Y. : Graft-on flap method for fingertip reconstruction,  IFSSH2010(国際手の外科連合) Seoul, Oct31-Nov 4,2010

  4. Hirase,Y : My principle for finger nail and fingertip reconstruction, KSRM(韓国マイクロサージャリー学会) Seoul, Nov 4,2010


  1. Hirase,Y. :Versatile flaps for lower extremities  2nd International Workshop on Reconstructive Microsurgery      Mexico City  1996年 

  2.  Hirase,Y. :Experimantal aspects of prefabricated flaps   2nd International Workshop on Reconstructive Microsurgery      Mexico City  1996年

  3. Hirase,Y:. Cryopreserved allogeneic soft tissue transfers in experimental  models. 2nd International Workshop on Reconstructive Microsurgery      Mexico City 1996年

  4. Hirase,Y. :Temporal fascia flap  2nd International Workshop on Reconstructive Microsurgery      Mexico City 1996年

  5. Hirase,Y. :First toe partial flap. 2nd International Workshop on Reconstructive Microsurgery   Mexico City  1996年

  6. Hirase,Y. :Soft tisssue coverage of the upper extremity. 12th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthtic  Surgery .                  San Francisco U.S.A.   1999年

  7. Hirase,Y.  Microsurical indication for aesthetic and functional nail reconstruction. 5th Asian Pacific federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Nov.12-15,2004 Osaka


  1. Satomi.T. ,Marumo E. ,Kim M.,Hirase Y.,:  Classification and surgical treatment of Polydactyly of the thumb. 8th International Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.  Toront Canada  1982年

  2. Kurihara K. ,Hirase Y., Marumo E.,    Two stage reconstruction of microtia. International Canference of Plastic Surgery. Beijing  中国  1984年

  3. Y.Hirase, F.Valauri, H.J.Buncke : Prefabricated Neovascurized Muscle Free Flaps : Pedicle Variations 3rd. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery. San Antonio, Texas 1987年     (J.Reconstr.Microsurg. 4:203-207,1988)

  4. 平瀬雄一、土田義隆、増沢源造、児島忠雄: Customized neovascularized free flap -experimental models日中友好形成外科学術交流会 ( Microsurg. 8:218-224,1987) 西安 中国  1988年

  5. Y.Hirase, F.A.Valauri, Harry J Buncke :Prefabricated sensatemyocutaneous,osteo-myocutaneousfree flaps ; experimental models第9回国際再建マイクロサージャリー学会 河口湖   1988 年

  6. Y.Hirase, F.A.Valauri, Harry J Buncke :Creation of neovascula- rized free flap using vein graft as pedicles; experimental models第9回国際再建マイクロサージャリー学会 河口湖   1988 年(Br.J.Plast.Surg. 42: 216-222,1989)

  7. 平瀬雄一、児島忠雄、武石明精、黄貴興 超冷凍保存による軟部組織移植に関する実験的研究 日中形成外科交流学術集会 長崎  1989年

  8. 増沢源造、児島忠雄、平川正彦、平瀬雄一、前沢尚美 欠指症の臨床像 日中友好形成外科交流学術集会   長崎  1989年

  9. T.Kojima,Y.Hirase,S.Kurimoto,A.Kudo :Reverse vascular pedicle digital island flap 4th International Congress of Hand Surgery             Israel  1989 年

  10. Y.Hirase,T.Kojima,S.Kurimoto: Prefabricated sensate myocutaneous and  osteomyocutaneous free flaps.4th International Congress of Hand Surgery     Israel   1989年  (Plast.Reconstr.Surg. 82:440-443,1988)  

  11. Y. Hirase, T. Kojima, M. Takeishi, K. H. Hwang : Allo-tissue transfer by Cryopreservation American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery  Boston   1990 年

  12. 平瀬雄一、児島忠雄、朴繁廣: Tissue expander による Intraoperative  arterial elongationに関する実験的研究 国際テイッシューエキスパンダーシンポジウム 第1回テイッシューエキスパンダー研究会 札幌 1990年

  13. Yuichi Hirase, Tadao Kojima Vascularized bone graft for scaphoid nonunion International Symposium of Wrist  名古屋1991年 (Wrist Disorder, 1992:187-191, Springer-Verlag,  Tokyo)

  14. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Takeishi,M.,, Hwang,K.H., Tanaka,M. Long-term cryopreservedallo-skin transfer and new concepts of  artificial skin : An experimental model in rats. Asia-Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banking, The ThirdMeeting, 東京 1991年 

  15. Uchida,M., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T. : Cryopreserved nerve allo-grafts in rats.  Asia-Pacific Association of Surgical Tissue Banking, The Third Meeting, 東京  1991年

  16. Y.Hirase, T.Kojima, M.Uchida : Effect of DMSO in tissue expansion The 3rdInternational Tissue Expansion Symposium (形成外科 35;329-333,1992)    札幌   1991年 

  17. K.H.Hwang, T.Kojima, M.Hirakawa, M.Uchida, Y.Hirase.: Elongation of sciatic nerve with tissue expander : report of two cases. The 3rdInternational Tissue Expansion Symposium      札幌  1991年

  18. Hirase,Y. : Double-layered free temporal fascial flap transfer in hand surgery. 10th symposium of the International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery,   Munchen  1991年

  19. Hirase,Y. : Leg replantatio of rats using long-term cryopr served allovessels, nerve graft and skin flaps. 10th symposium of the International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery,  Munchen  1991年

  20. Y.Hirase, T.Kojima, M.Uchida, M.Takeishi: Leg replantation of rats using long-term cruopreserved allo-vessels, nerve graft . 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,   Seattle  1991年 

  21. Uchida,M., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.:Cryopreserved peripheral nerve allograft in the rat.   60th Annual Scientific Meeting of American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive             Surgery,     Seattle   1991年

  22. Y.Hirase, T.Kojima: Free Temporal Fascial Flap Transfer in Hand Surgery. The International Hand Congress   The Internationql Hand Congress,   Bangkok, Thailand   1991年

  23. Y.Hirase, T.Kojima : Which is selected, Hemi pulp transfer or DMF-flap? The International Hand Congress  The Internationql Hand Congress,   Bangkok,  Thailand  1991年

  24. T.Kojima, Y.Hirase: Innervated Reverse Vascular Pedicle Digital Island Flap. The International Hand Congress  The Internationql Hand Congress.Bangkok,  Thailand   1991

  25.  Kojima,T.,Kinoshita,Y.,Uchida,M.,Hirase,Y.,Bang,H.H. Extended volar advancement flap with V-Yplasty for fingertip reconstruction,   Vth International Congress of Hand Surgery  Paris  France 1992

  26. Uchida,A.,Kojima,T.,Hirase,Y.,Iizuka,T. : Clinical features of vascular leiomyoma of the upper extremity : report of eleven cases. Vth International Congress of Hand Surgery         Paris  France  1992

  27. Hirase,Y.,Kojima,T.,Uchida,M.,Takeishi,M.,Kwang,K.H. Leg replantation of rats using long-term cryopreserved allo- vessels,nerve graft. Vth International Congress of Hand Surgery   Paris France  1992

  28. Hirase,Y.,Kojima,T.,Iizuka,T. Double-layered free temporal fascia flap transfer for hand injuries. Vth International Congress of Hand Surgery    Paris  France  1992

  29. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Takeishi,M.: De-epithelized cryopreserved allo-cutaneous flap transfer. Eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Scottsdale, Arizona  U.S.A  1992

  30.  Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Uchida,M., Takeishi,M.:   Long-term cryopreserved allogeneic tissue transfer : Experimental model in rats  International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery    Viena,   Austria  1993

  31. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Uchida,M., Takeishi,M., Hayashi,H. :Syndactylic partial toe transfer for fingertip reconstruction 62nd Annual ScientificMeeting of American Society of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 95;539-547,1995)  New Orleans  U.S.A.   1993

  32. Takeishi,M., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Terao,Y.: Experimental  study of cryopreserved allogeneic transfer of vessel. 9th Annual Meeting of American Society for Reconstructive  Microsurgery,Kansas City, Missouri  U.S.A.  1993

  33. Hirase,Y., Uchida,M., Hayashi,H.: Postoperative Cooling Enhances Composite Graft Survival of Fingertips. 48th Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand Kansas City, Missouri  U.S.A.  1993

  34. Uchida,M., Kojima,T., Hirase,Y. :Overcorrection with intradome sutures for unilateral cleft lip nasal deformities The 6th asian Pacific Congress of IPRS Seoul,  Korea  1993

  35. Nagata,T., Kubo,H., Ogata,N., Tokita,T., Aoki,T., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.: Devices for breast  reconstruction with muscle-cutaneous flap after radial mastectomy - to prevent lymphedema The 6th Asian Pacific Congress of IPRS         Seoul,  Korea   1993

  36. Hirase,Y. :"Microsurgery in future" Cryopreserved allograft soft tissue trnsfer in 21st century Hiroshima International Hand and Microsurgery Symposium  広島  1994

  37.  Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.: Innervated island flaps in the hand for fingertip reconstruction.  Hiroshima International Hand and Microsurgery Symposium   広島  1994

  38. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Uchida,M., Takeishi,T., Miyawaki,T., Terao,Y. Tissue preservation and transplantation Cryopreserved allogeneic soft tissue transfer in 21st century 12th Confress of the International Microsurgical Society   奈良 1994 (長期保存後の同種複合組織移植の将来像-マイクロサージャリー技術応用の可能性   整形災害外科、38;705-710, 1995)

  39. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.: Aesthetic aspect after free vascularized nail transfer  10th Annual Meeting American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery    マルコ島、Florida  U.S.A. 1995,

  40. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.: Aesthetic aspect after free vascularized nail transfer Reconstructive Microsurgery of the Hand Advanced International Instructional Course     Singapore  1995

  41. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Uchida,M.: Aestheticfingertip reconstruction by vascularized nail graft.  6th Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand      Helsinki,  Finland  1995

  42. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Uchida,M., Matsuoka,L.:"New development of wound coverage and skin substitute ”Long-term cryopreserved allocutaneous tissue transplantation Experimental and clinical studies. 11th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.      横浜 1995

  43. Hirase,Y., kojima,T.: “Functional and aesthetic results in toe-to-hand transfer”Aesthetic aspect of fingertip after free vascularized nail graft. 11th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.     横浜  1995 

  44. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Matsui,M.:  Aesthetic fingertip plasty by vascularized nail graft.  The 12th Symposium of the International Society of Reconstruct ive Microsurgery       Singapore   1996

  45.  Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Matsui,M. :  Long term result of cryopreserved allogeneic neurovascular transfer in monkey. The 12th Symposium of the International Society of ReconstructiveMicrosurgery   Singapore   1996

  46. Matsui,M., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T. : Neovascularized allogeneic joint transfer :    Experimental model in the rat - Preliminary report.   The 12th Symposium of the International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery    Singapore   1996

  47.  Matsui,M., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.:    Creation of neovascularized prefabricated myo-osseous flap using hydroxyappatite   The 12th Symposium of the International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery  Singapore  1996  

  48. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Takeishi,M., Matsui,M., Terao,Y.:  Cryopreserved allogeneic neurovascular transfer in monkey.    65th Annual Scientific Meeting of ASPRS/PSEF/ASMS.     Dallas U.S.A.   1996 

  49. Matsui,M., Hirase,Y., Kojima,T.:  Creation of prefabricated neovascularized osteomyo flap by cryopreserved allogeneic vascular bundle transfer using allogeneic bone, hydroxyapatite   65th Annual  Scientific Meeting of ASPRS/PSEF/ASMS.     Dallas U.S.A.  1996

  50. Hirase Y. : Combined technique of innervated finger flap and vascularited nail graft. 12th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and  Aesthtic  Surgery .  San Francisco U.S.A.   1999

  51. Hirase Y., Yamaguchi T. : Combined technique of innervated finger flap and vascularited nail graft. The 3rd. Combined Meeting of the Japanese and American Societies for Surgery of the Hand.  Maui, Hawaii  March 25-28, 2000 

  52. Hayashi H. ,Miyawaki T.,Hirase Y.,Nojima K.,Kurihara K A study of  unfavorable results after free tissue tranfer. 12th Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthtic  Surgery  San Francisco U.S.A.   1999

  53. Hirase Y., Kojima T., Fukumoto K., Yamaguchi T. Versatile technique of composite nail graft for salvage of fingertip amputated at nail level.  69th ASPRS  Los Angels  Oct 14-18,2000

  54. Hirase Y., Kojima T., Fukumoto K., Yamaguchi T. Selection of reattachment surgery in salvage of fingertip amputated at nail level  ASRM  Miami   Jan. 2001

  55. Hirase Y., Kojima T., Fukumoto K., Yamaguchi T.  icrosurgical indication for aesthetic and functional nail reconstruction WSRM  Taipei   Oct.31- Nov.3, 2001

  56.  Hirase Y.  Versatile technique of composite nail graft for salvage of fingertip             Asian-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand   The  4th International Congress   Seoul,  March 3-6 2002

  57. Hirase Y., Kojima T., Fukumoto K., Yamaguchi T. “Tear-drop” shaped dorsolateral finger flap after resection of large mucous cyst   ASPS/PSEF/ASMS 71st Annual Scientific Meeting  San Antonio,USA   November 2-6,2002

  58. Hirase,Y., Kojima,T., Fukumoto,K., Yamaguchi,T. “ Tear-drop “ shaped dorsolateral finger flap coverage after resection of large mucous cyst. 第1回日・伊手の外科合同会議 2004年11月14日 大阪

  59. Hirase,Y  Graft on method : A new reattachment procedure for fingers amputated at the nail bed level. 4th Combined Meeting of the American and Japanese Societies for Surgery of the Hand   March 19-22,2005  Honolulu, Hawaii

  60. Fukumoto,K, Kojima,T, Hirase,Y : Retrograde radial artery angiography for congenital hand malformations. 7th World Symposium on Congenital Malformations of the Hand and Upper Limb 2007/3/9-10 Sydney,Australia

  61. Fukumoto,K, Kojima,T, Hirase,Y : Surgical treatment of cleft hand  7th World Symposium on Congenital Malformations of the Hand and Upper Limb 2007/3/9-10 Sydney,Australia

  62. Fukumoto,K, Kojima,T, Hirase,Y : Cubital tunnnel syndrome in young generation. 10th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the hand  2007/3/11-15 Sydney,Australia

  63. Hirase,Y. : Graft-on flap method for fingertip nail reconstruction. 2008 American Association of Hnad Surgery, 2008/1/10 Biverly Hills,CA,USA

  64. Hirase,Y. Graft-on flap method for fingertio nail reconstruction. WSRM2009 2009/6/25-27 Okinawa Japan

  65. Hirase,Y. . Kuwahara,M.  Partial resection of FDS for PIP joint pain (e-poster)  66th ASSH  2011/9/8-10  Las Vegas, USA

  66. Hirase,Y. Nail reconstruction in degloving injury of finger  WSRM2013  2013/7/11-14 Chicago USA

  67. Hirase,Y. Microsurgical partial toe transfer combining with the finger flap  WSRM2013  2013/7/11-14  Chicago USA

  68. Hirase,Y Extended Twisted wrap-around Flap for Degloving Injury of Fingers  68th ASSH 2013/10/3-5  San Francisco USA

  69. Hirase,Y, Matsui,M  Lymph node flap transfer after radical subcutaneous tissue resection for advanced lower extremity lymphedema.  The meeting ASPS 2016  2015/9/23-27 LosAngels

  70. Komatsu I, Hirase,Y, Usami S, Inami K, Lubahn JD Clinical usefulness of digitolateral flap in surgical release for finger flexion contracture. ASSH 2017,,,2017/9/7-9 San Francico

  71. Hirase Y, Okubo A, Onozawa H  Nail Reconstruction in Degloving Injury of Finger by Twisted Wrap-around Flap ASSH 2019.9.4-7 LasVegas

  72. Hirase Y, Okubo A, Onozawa H, Yagishita M  Combined technique of local fingernflap and partial toe flap for finger nail reconstruction. 57th イタリア手外科学会(イタリア日本手外科合同ミーティング)2019年 10月 10-12日 フィレンツェ 、イタリア

  73. Hirase Y, Okubo A, Onozawa H, Yagishita M  Nail Reconstruction in Degloving Injury of Finger by Twisted Wrap-around Flap A  57th イタリア手外科学会(イタリア日本手外科合同ミーティング)2019年 10月 10-12日 フィレンツェ 、イタリア


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